This shirt looks pink but it is a light orange, I made this for Chloe cuz the purple one I made her was too big. So I wanted to make one that she could wear now. But it looks pink in this pic. I had a hard time with the sleeves cuz the fabric is the same on both sides and I for some reason was all confused. But I finally got it and now its done.
I got this fabric from freecycle and made Chloe and me a shirt out of it and Christi loved the fabric so she asked for a pair of pj pants. I had a bit of a problem serging the edge, I just wanted the inside to look nice. Well my serger does not like going against the groves in the fabric. I fooled with it several times till I told Christi she may have to fix it when she gets them. Well I then thought of doing it the old fashion way, with my sewing machine. So below shows you the finish the sewing machine did. Now I am happy.
Ok here are some more doll clothes and I embroidered too! The green thing is a vest, It says My Mom Rocks. Then you have the poncho made of fleece too. The blue shirt I embroidered too! Then the pants, made of scrap fabric from the younger girls nite gowns. I am done for doll clothes for a bit. Going to make myself something again.
Well I have all this extra fabric that I hate to toss away. So I decided to make clothes for the girls dolls. Here are three sets. Now the white shirt was to say I love you, but I ran out of bobbin thread and did not know how to make it continue. So it just got messed up. I did get it to say I love you but there is an extra y and some mark that looks like nothing. Can you see the knees of the blue pants well, I embroidered them. Cool Huh!!
I made these for Christi, The waiste is a bit big but I always leave it for her to take in and finsh that part. The pic does not do them justice, but they did turn out good.